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About the Artist

Franziska Fennert is a German artist, born in the former socialist East Germany, who lives in Indonesia since 2013. She works mainly with sewn objects and paintings in which she seeks healing from her Wendetrauma(German-German Reunification). The takeover of the former GDR by the Federal Republic of Germany had deeply shaken her family and indirectly led to the death of her father years later. Her stay in Indonesia enables her to reflect on a value system other than capitalism and to search for spiritual roots.

Through her work, she seeks to understand human behavior, economic constructs, and social structures in a global context. Since participating in the Nature Art Residency, Tsukuba, Japan in 2018, she sees the emancipated environment as a necessary part of a progressive social system.

Joining the Indonesian Upcycle Forum the following year, she investigates circular economy and Javanese spirituality as an alternative to capitalism.

In 2020, Franziska initiated the construction of a temple made of plastic scraps melted into stones next to the Piyungan garbage dump, Yogyakarta, which then collectively evolved into Monumen Antroposen. The goal is to transform global society in terms of social and ecologically oriented circular economy that honors the respective ancestors of a country/place.

Franziska graduated as a master student at the Dresden University of Fine Arts in 2011 with the state scholarship of the Free State of Saxony. Four years earlier, the solo exhibition Everything is Rites/Semua adalah Upacara at Museum Affandi, Yogyakarta, was the culmination of her Darmasiswa Fellowship.

As chair of the German-Asian association cover e.V. from 2012-13, she organized international exhibitions in Dresden and Shanghai.

For the occasion of the project in public space Vision of a social Evolution, sponsored by Lawangwangi, Artsociates Bandung and the German Foreign Office she moved back to her chosen home Indonesia.
2003 - 2009 German Diplom // Master at Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden //
Academy of Fine Arts Dresden
2007 Study tour China (Guangzhou, Yangzhou, Hangzhou, Shanghai)
2007 - 2008 Darmasiswa scholarship in Yogyakarta from the Indonesian Government
2009 - 2011 Meisterschülerin mit einem Stipendium des Freistaates Sachsen // Advanced
Master studies at Academy of Fine Arts Dresden with Grant of the Free State
Saxony, Germany
Lives and works in Yogyakarta since 2013.
2020Fragile Abundance at NuNu Fine Art, Taipei
2018Heaven is mindset, Visma Art Gallery, Surabaya
2017Heaven is mindset, Semarang Contemporary Art Gallery, Semarang
2015Place the king in the right position, Sangkring Art Project, Yogyakarta*
2014Place the king in the right position, Lawangwangi, Bandung*
(*supported by Goethe-Institut Jakarta and ARTSociates Lawangwangi Art and Science Estate, Bandung, Indonesia)
2013Contemporary Fairytales - Zeitgenössische Märchen, Börse Stuttgart
Die Hirschkuh säugt den Tiger, Galerie Michaela Helfrich, Berlin VISION OF A SOCIAL EVOLUTION, with an art residency at Lawangwangi
ARTSociates, Bandung, with support from the Federal Foreign Office of Germany
2012let down anchor, sanlorenzo-arte, Poppi, Italia
2010Franziska Fennert, Galerie Albrecht, Berlin
2008Everything is Rites, Museum Affandi, Yogyakarta, Indonesia with support from KOONG Gallery, Jakarta
2023(Upcoming) Marwah, Pos Bloc Jakarta SUB-Values, Galeri Srisasanti @RJ Katamsi, Yogyakarta
SUA KUASA MATRA, ISA Art Gallery, Jakarta
202219th Asian Art Biennial Bangladesh, National Art Gallery, Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Dhaka
2021Religion in a Plural Society: Indonesian Perspectives, Berlin Institute of Islamic Theology, Humboldt University Berlin
Walama #2, Riden Baruadi Gallery, Gorontalo, Sulawesi
2020'Natura' Artfem, Woman Artists International Biennial of Macao 'Resilience', ArtJog, Jogja National Museum, Yogyakarta
'Hybridity' Yogya Annual Art, Bale Banjar Sangkring, Yogyakarta Independent Artcycle Day, IUF Indonesian Upcycle Forum, Yogyakarta
2019'Speculative Memories' ART · BALI, AB · BC Building
ITDC Nusa Dua - Bali Collection
Artjakarta through Semarang Contemporary Art Gallery 'Celebration of Compassion', Galeri Srisasanti Yogyakarta
'Nurturing', Bumbon, Galeri Katamsis, Yogyakarta 'Incumbent', Sangkring Gallery, Yogyakarta
'Manusia dan Kemanusiaan' (Human and Humanism), Museum OHD, Magelang
Bongkar Gudang #1, XOXO, RUBANAH Underground Hub, Jakarta
2018'Spektrum Hendra Gunawan', Ciputra Artpreneur Museum, Jakarta 'Enlightment', ARTJOG X, National Museum, Yogyakarta 'Transcoding', International Visual Culture Exhibition #2, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
'Nature is the art we are part of!', Tsukuba Art Centre, Tsukuba, Japan
2017Fresh Winds International Art Biennale, Iceland, 2017/18 with travel support from ifa Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen
2016'HOME', Minimal Art Gallery, Red Base Foundation, Yogyakarta
'Things, Human and their Celebration', Green Art Space, Yogyakarta
'Lore Ipsum', Sangkring Gallery, Yogyakarta
2015'Sequence', Nuart Sculpture Park, Bandung
ART-CHIPELAGO, Galeri Nasional, Jakarta
'Infinity in flux' ARTJOG 8, Taman Budaya, Yogyakarta 'Base Red', Red Base Art Foundation, Yogyakarta
2015'FOLK : LORE', Jogja Contemporary, Yogyakarta
Terracotta Biennale I, Yogyakarta
'LOVE', Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta and Syang Art Space, Magelang
2014On Painting 9, Pinacoteca, Vienna Austria
2013'Collapse-Another perspective of cultural collision', Showroom of East Normal University, Shanghai, China
OPEN STUDIO, OFCA International Yogyakarta
'LOCA FORE' 2013, Bandung
OSTRALE, Wir überschreiten den Rubikon, Internationale Ausstellung zeitgenössischer Kunst, Dresden
'Hommage to Asia - Liebeserklärung an Asien', Chinesischer Pavillon, Dresden
'HYPE', Geh8, Dresden
'Nass in Nass', Galerie Drei, Dresden
2012'Indonesia di Mata Perupa', Gedung MPR Jakarta
Dresdner Biennale, ORNÖ-Festival, Dresden
wir hängen Neues von Eric Cruikshank Franziska Fennert Jus
Juchtmans, Galerie Albrecht, Berlin
2011CROSSING SIGNS, Galeri Nasional / National Gallery Jakarta, Indonesia
CROSSING SIGNS, Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia
'Das Kleid der Maler', Galerie 2.Stock im Neuen Rathaus Dresden
2010 Frühjahrssalon, Galerie ZANDERKASTEN, Dresden
U(Dys)topia The emergence of myths, legends and fairy tales in contemporary times in Indonesia and Germany, Freies Museum Berlin
2009Zeichnungen, Originalgrafiken und Skulpturen, Galerie Biedermann, München
Unter fremden Sternen Transformation und Inspiration, Galerie Horschik, Dresden
2008'Loro Blonyo Kontemporer', Wedding Putra II, Dr. Oei Hong Djien, Magelang,
Indonesia - collaboration with Lenny Ratnasari Weichert
Perfurbance #4, International Performance Art Festival
Global Warming! Global Warning!!, Krinjing Village Mount Merapi
Fundrising Exhibition Red District Project, KOONG Galerie, Jakarta, Indonesia
2007'QIAO', Ucity Art Museum of GAFA, Guangzhou, China