Past Exhibition
Chun Kai Qun
God from the Perspective of Dogs
(From A Boxed Life Series since 2009)
One-way mirror, stereolithography, 12V LED lights,
acrylic paint and wood
H82 x W45 x D23 cm
Chun Kai Qun
SG-toned Another 50 Years: Since the 2020 Pandemic
(From A Boxed Life Series since 2009)
One-way mirror, stereolithography, 12V LED lights,
acrylic paint and wood
H45 x W82 x D23 cm
Chun Kai Qun
Pin-ups and Push-ups
Stereolithography and chrome paint
Dimensions variable
(always installed above other works)
Chun Kai Qun
Canned beers, stereolithography and acrylic paint
(with the book Cambodian for Beginners)
Dimensions variable (always installed above other works)
Chun Kai Qun
Life Without Us
(From A Boxed Life Series since 2009)
Glass, stereolithography, acrylic paint, wood and hanging light fixture
L125 x W40 x H70 cm (hung from ceiling)
Nandita Mukand
Growing Whither 2
Cloth, paper, plaster, resin, acrylic, plastic, wire
100 x 84 x 20 cm